Tag Archives: glass

How Glass can Modernize your Office Space

The office is more than just a place where work gets done; this specific environment is where staff have to spend time engaging with each other, collaborate on projects, and be comfortable in. The open workspace has become a popular choice for many businesses, while others prefer the more classical separation that walls/cubicles provide. Using […]

Remedying Scratched Glass

Unless it’s related to relieving an itch, a scratch can be detrimental to the aesthetic of a window or any other glass surface/item. Beyond just looks, deep enough scratches can actually weaken the overall integrity of the glass as well.   Here are some quick ways to remedy scratches on glass: ‘- Toothpaste doesn’t just […]

Interesting Glass Facts

We already know just how amazing and versatile glass can be, but there are also some pretty interesting facts about its history and evolution.   Did you know: Glass can be literally described as liquid sand. Extremely high temperatures (1700°C) melt the sand and all the minerals inside it and, after it cools down, we […]

Commercial Glass Safety

Modern technology is a wonderful thing; it allows what once may have seemed like a distant dream to become a reality. It also provides an opportunity for that realized dream to be as safe and effective as possible. Safety is always a top priority for all glass related projects, and even more so when it […]

Growth of Building Glass Market

As time moves forward, it’s the hope of everyone (whether as individuals or as part of businesses, organizations, etc. that collectively help make the society which we’re all a part of) that we’re growing and evolving in a positive way. The building glass market experienced rapid growth last year, and the sky’s the limit to […]

Glass Options For Your Office

Enclosing your office with glass not only creates a more professional look and feel for your space, but it can help keep out out unwanted noise; both are important factors that we take into consideration when helping you choose the right glass for your project.   Here are some great glas options to consider for […]

Breaking A Glass Myth

It’s easy to take received information as truth, especially if it sounds believable and has been backed up by people or ‘facts’ over time. Glass itself is something that has a particular myth around it that should be put to rest once and for all. Is glass considered a true solid? ‘During solidification, the molecules […]