Tag Archives: cornwall glass services

Choosing Glass Doors

Glass is a rare item that is able to be extremely strong yet still vulnerable (usually by design, for safety purposes). It can keep something enclosed, protect something from getting out, or do both of these things while also being able to be easily broken if hit in the right spot with the right force […]

Mirror Mirror, on the Wall

Mirrors are an important part of our lives. When you go to a clothing store and try on some new items, a full body mirror is necessary to get a proper look at it. At the hair salon/barbershop mirrors are an integral part of the hair styling process. Not only do they help the stylist […]

Custom Glass Displays

Sometimes there are certain items that are enhanced by how they are displayed. Take any baked goods at a bakery for instance; when you first walk into said bakery the first thing that will hit you is an incredible smell, but right after the sweet smells that take over your nose are the visuals of […]

Glass Fencing

The best part about glass is how versatile it can be. This versatility allows for it to be used for things that you may not usually consider glass for. One of those things is fencing. Your typical fence is made from wood, stone or a similar material, but the there are many reasons why it […]